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Ullam qui culpa officiis quo accusamus et numquam. Non dolor exercitationem expedita et rerum. In corporis delectus et magnam rerum. Et maxime natus sed aut temporibus dolor qui.

Ullam qui culpa officiis quo accusamus et numquam. Non dolor exercitationem expedita et rerum. In corporis delectus et magnam rerum. Et maxime natus sed aut temporibus dolor qui.

One of the most common questions that we get asked is... 

How can I avoid trademark infringement with my Print On Demand store?

How do I know if my t-shirt designs are copyrighted or not?"

And while Sarah does answer those questions in this video: 10 Things To Do BEFORE Starting a Print On Demand Store, there is actually another video where she highlights a little-known way that you might be accidentally get yourself into trouble. Want to know what it is? Watch this video now (and yep: this is a quiz video! Play along & see how many you get right!): 

==> 5 T-Shirts You Should NOT Sell...

Yeah. It's really easy to not get sued. How do you not get sued?

Avoid IPs. Simple.

Yep. We know it's tempting to want to piggyback off of existing IPs. Take Star Wars for example. Disney has poured billions of dollars into advertising Star Wars & built up a fan base. Because of that, if you slap Star Wars onto a t-shirt, it will sell well. There is just one problem with that though...

The reason WHY Disney has poured billions of dollars into their brand is so that THEY can make money from it: not you. 

And so they will protect it. You might not get sued, but you will be heavily risking your store being shut down & your Facebook ad account being shut down. And so while it's tempting to cash in on the billions of dollars that Disney have invested into their IPs, we don't recommend it! 

Instead, we recommend coming up with your OWN designs that trigger customers emotionally

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What is an API? Learn all about APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) in this full tutorial for beginners. You will learn what APIs do, why APIs exist, and the many benefits of APIs. APIs are used all the time in programming and web development so it is important to understand how to use them. You will also get hands-on experience with a few popular web APIs. As long as you know the absolute basics of coding and the web, you'll have no problem following along.

🔗 Course Notes: https://github.com/craigsdennis/intro...

⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️

⭐️ Unit 1 - What is an API

⌨️ Video 1 - Welcome (0:00:00)

⌨️ Video 2 - Defining Interface (0:03:57)

⌨️ Video 3 - Defining API (0:07:51)

⌨️ Video 4 - Remote APIs (0:12:55)

⌨️ Video 5 - How the web works (0:17:04)

⌨️ Video 6 - RESTful API Constraint Scavenger Hunt (0:22:00)

⭐️ Unit 2 - Exploring APIs

⌨️ Video 1 - Exploring an API online (0:27:36)

⌨️ Video 2 - Using an API from the command line (0:44:30)

⌨️ Video 3 - Using Postman to explore APIs (0:53:56)

⌨️ Video 4 - Please please Mr. Postman (1:03:33)

⌨️ Video 5 - Using Helper Libraries (JavaScript) (1:14:41)

⌨️ Video 6 - Using Helper Libraries (Python) (1:24:40)

⭐️ Unit 3 - Using APIs

⌨️ Video 1 - Introducing the project (1:34:18)

⌨️ Video 2 - Flask app (1:36:07)

⌨️ Video 3 - Dealing with API Limits (1:50:00)

⌨️ Video 4 - JavaScript Single Page Application (1:54:27)

⌨️ Video 5 - Moar JavaScript and Recap (2:07:53)

⌨️ Video 6 - Review (2:18:03)

🎥 Course created by Craig Dennis, Developer Educator at Twilio 🐦 Craig on Twitter: @craigsdennis
